This script builds report in form of Hits CountryCode
Guest on 28th November 2024 07:05:43 AM
- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # This script builds report in form of "Hits CountryCode"
- # Usage: bycc <nginx log>
- #
- #set -x
- EXCLUDE="(||"
- debot < $1 | egrep -v $EXCLUDE > 1.log
- cut -d' ' -f 1 1.log | sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | uniq -c | sed -e "s/^\s*//" -e "s/ /,/" | sort -nr > ips.txt
- rm -f hitsbyip.txt
- for i in `cat ips.txt `; do
- hits=`echo $i | cut -d',' -f 1`
- ip=`echo $i | cut -d',' -f 2`
- cc=`geoiplookup $ip | grep Country | cut -d' ' -f 4 | tr -d ','`;
- echo $hits $cc $ip >> hitsbyip.txt
- done
- cut -d' ' -f 2 hitsbyip.txt | sort | uniq > ccs.txt
- for i in `cat ccs.txt `; do
- hits=0;
- for j in `grep " $i " hitsbyip.txt | cut -d' ' -f 1`; do hits=$(($hits+$j)); done
- echo $hits $i;
- done | sort -n -r > hitsbycc.txt
- rm -f 1.log
- cat hitsbycc.txt
Raw Paste